4 min readMar 5, 2021

A Women-led Social Startup, Eco Femme, Provides Free And Reusable Sanitary Pads To Women Of Economically Weaker Sections — Mad4India

The maximum population of women in India uses disposable sanitary pads. Women from economically weaker backgrounds do not even have access to sanitary pads. The pads are too expensive, and some aren’t even aware of menstrual hygiene.

Menstruation is a topic that still isn’t talked about openly in India. Eco femme is a startup that aims to provide free sanitary pads to women of economically weaker sections and create awareness about Menstruation. It is a women-led social startup established in Tamil Nadu in 2010.

Work of Eco Femme

Menstruation is natural but can be anxiety provoking for some girls. The startup targets adolescent girls and educates them about Menstruation. The startup tries to deal with all their questions and help them manage themselves hygienically.

Eco Femme found out that many girls in India drop out of school as they do not have access to menstrual products. The startup provides anxiety provoking girls from weaker sections with resources, products, and information.

Challenges Faced by Adolescent Girls

Most adolescent girls do not have purchasing power. The choice of menstrual products depends on the family or relatives. Particularly women from weaker sections of society use unhygienic products or disposable pads.

Unhygienic menstrual products harm the health of the girls, while disposable pads harm the environment. Introducing reusable cloth pads benefits both the health of these girls and the environment.

Production of Sanitary Pads

The primary office of the startup is in Saracon Campus. Eco Femme has five production units. The women are not employed directly by the startup but are paid fair money for their work by the production units. A safe working environment is also ensured. Two initiatives run under Ecofemme: Pad for Pad and Pad for Sisters.

Initiatives Under Eco Femme

Pad for the pad is an initiative under which whenever a consumer buys a Sanitary napkin from Eco Femme, they give free cloth pads to women who genuinely need them. The underprivileged women also get a chance to make their sanitary pads. Material for making pads is provided by the startup. These women also get access to a free session where they can ask all the doubts and questions regarding menstruation.

Quality of Sanitary Pads

They have developed the product after rigorous testing. They make the Sanitary pads of organic cotton which are soft and comfortable. They come in a variety of colors with floral patterns. The pads offered are of premium quality and are leakproof. The product has been tried with over 850 women of rural India during product development.

Vision of Eco Femme

The vision of Eco Femme is to bring about social and environmental change. Eco Femme wishes to introduce menstrual practices that are environmentally friendly, sustainable, and beneficial for the health and hygiene of women in India.

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To know more about Eco Femme, please check- Website, Facebook, Instagram , LinkedIn.

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